Sponsorship Packages
The Oxbow Water Ski Show Team depends on the generosity of our community, members and local businesses in order to put on FREE shows. Donations help to pay for site repairs, ski equipment, boat gas, costumes, training, etc.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, email us at oxbowwaterski@gmail.com.
We're a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation so donations are tax deductible! EIN: 45-1520809
Platinum Sponsor: $1000
- Place your large banner at our ski site
- Opportunity for promotional activities at shows (flyers, etc)
- A post with link to your website on our Facebook page
- Your business logo with link on our website
- Special mention at all of our ski shows
Silver Sponsor: $500
- Place your 2’x2’ sign at our ski site or on boat / jump
- Opportunity for promotional activities at shows (flyers, etc)
- A post with link to your website on our Facebook page
- Your business logo with link on our website
- Special Mention at all of our shows
Bronze Sponsor: $250
- Place your 2’x2’ sign at our ski site
- Your business logo with link on our website
- Special Mention at all of our shows
Show Sponsor: $150
- Special mention at all of our shows
Other Donations To Support The Team Are ALWAYS Graciously Accepted